Delivering the bold taste of Gordon’s balanced with raspberry and strawberry flavours, Gordon’s Pink 0% is expertly created to deliver all the taste but none of the alcohol.
The perfect alcohol-free alternative to your usual choice of Gordon’s & tonic.
Gordon’s 0.0% is created by distilling the same botanicals used in Gordon’s London Dry Gin. These botanicals are individually immersed in water, heated and then distilled before being expertly blended together to capture the essence of Gordon’s in a delicious alcohol-free alternative. This special distillation process is a closely guarded secret, known only to a handful of people.
To serve pour 50ml over ice with your chosen tonic or lemonade and garnish with strawberries.
0.0% Alcohol, 100% Gordon’s.
Juniper, pine, raspberry, strawberry and red currant.
Water, natural flavourings, acids: (tartaric acid, lactic acid), preservatives: (potassium sorbate, dimethyl dicarbonate, sodium benzoate), acidity regulators: (trisodium citrate, sodium sulphate), sweeteners: (sucralose, acesulfame K), stabiliser: potassium chloride, colourings: (Allura Red AC, Sunset Yellow FCF, Brilliant Blue FCF).
11 cal – 0 sugar / 100ml
Contains no more than 0.015% ABV
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